
Upcoming Seminars

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Previous Seminars

Predictability of Human Mobility Across Borders
Tue, May 7, 2024, 12:15 pm

Lunch available beginning at 12:15 PM
Speaker to begin at 12:30 PM

Between 1965 and 2015, over 12 million Mexicans have crossed the border into the United States. We use the largest survey data on this flow from the Mexican Migration Project which covers 160 thousand people observed over 50 years. We explore the predictability of about…

Capitalizing on Generative AI: Guided Diffusion Models Towards Generative Optimization
Tue, Apr 23, 2024, 12:15 pm

Lunch available beginning at 12:15 PM
Speaker to begin at 12:30 PM

Abstract: Diffusion models represent a significant breakthrough in generative AI, operating by progressively transforming random noise distributions into structured outputs, with adaptability for specific tasks through guidance or fine…

Machine Learning for Structural Biology
Tue, Apr 16, 2024, 12:15 pm

Lunch available beginning at 12:15 PM
Speaker to begin at 12:30 PM

Abstract: Structural biology has been transformed by breakthroughs in deep learning methods for protein structure prediction. In parallel, advances in cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) have produced new opportunities to study the structure…

CSML Machine Learning Lunchtime Seminar Series
Tue, Mar 5, 2024, 12:00 pm

Abstract: Despite their increasing sophistication, modern robotic systems still struggle to operate safely and reliably around people in uncertain open-world situations, a key bottleneck to adoption that is perhaps best exemplified by the growing public distrust of early autonomous driving technology. At the same time,…

Towards more human-like learning in machines: Bridging the data and generalization gaps
Tue, Feb 27, 2024, 12:30 pm

Lunch available from 12:15pm.

Please RSVP to [email protected] by February 22nd to participate in lunch.

If you wish to participate via Zoom Webinar, we ask that you please register prior to attending.…

CSML Machine Learning Lunchtime Seminar Series
Tue, Feb 6, 2024, 12:15 pm

RSVP to [email protected]

Lunch available beginning at 12:15 PM
Speaker to begin at 12:30 PM

Machine Learning in Physics
Wed, Nov 29, 2023, 4:30 pm

A new seminar hosted jointly between Physics and ORFE focusing on interdisciplinary work at the intersection of physics and machine learning.

What? A seminar series highlighting research on both physics-inspired approaches to understanding ML and the use of ML for physics applications

Algorithms and Incentives in Machine Learning
Wed, Nov 29, 2023, 4:30 pm


Machine learning designs approaches that transform data to predictions or estimations. The standard paradigm often assumes these data are objectively generated from distributions, without being affected by any human factors. However, this paradigm ceases to be true when our predictions or estimated…

CITP Virtual Seminar: Miranda Bogen – Closing the Gap: Navigating Complexities and Contradictions In the Mitigation of Algorithmic Bias
Thu, Nov 16, 2023, 12:30 pm

This webinar is open to all via Zoom.

Dozens of policy proposals and interventions have attempted to address actual and potential cases of algorithmic bias, particularly in systems that have consequential effects on people’s lives. While these proposals commonly…

Machine Learning in Physics
Wed, Nov 15, 2023, 4:30 pm

A new seminar hosted jointly between Physics and ORFE focusing on interdisciplinary work at the intersection of physics and machine learning.

What? A seminar series highlighting research on both physics-inspired approaches to understanding ML and the use of ML for physics applications
