Undergraduate Resources



Nabhonil Kar '21 presenting research at the 25th annual Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing.

Nabhonil Kar '21 presented research that overlapped his interest in biology and machine learning at the 25th annual Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing. In this photo, he (left) talks about his research at a poster session at the event.

CSML Undergraduate Summer Research Award

The Center for Statistics and Machine Learning's Undergraduate Summer Research Award will provide a grant(s) to currently enrolled Princeton UG student(s) to help cover the expense of staying on campus over the summer to work on a research project with a faculty mentor. Applications must meet the requirements listed below and include all attachments and explanations requested. The max amount per award is $4,500 and up to three awards may be granted.  Awards are meant to help cover the expense of living on campus and meals during the summer.  While enrollment in the CSML certificate/minor program is not required, students enrolled will be given preference.  The deadline for applications is April 25, 2025. 

If you have questions, please email [email protected].  All applications and payments will be made through SAFE. 


  • Princeton enrolled UG students (preference given to CSML certificate/minor students)
  • Research over the summer with a Princeton faculty advisor/mentor ~ include a letter of nomination and support from the faculty mentor.
  • Research must be relevant to statistics and machine learning - include an outline of the research plan.
  • $4,500 max award (meant to cover the cost of living on campus and food during the summer)
  • Short write up about how this research project will impact your education here at Princeton and beyond (no more than one page)

Apply Here


CSML Undergraduate Certificate/Minor Scholarly Travel Fund

The Center for Statistics and Machine Learning's Undergraduate Certificate/Minor Scholarly Travel Fund will provide a grant(s) to currently enrolled Undergraduate Certificate/Minor Program student(s) to present at a conference, seminar or workshop in a field closely related to statistics and machine learning. Applications must meet the requirements listed below and include all attachments and explanations requested. The max amount of an award for this academic year is $500 and may be distributed to one or more students. Awards will be reviewed and granted by CSML on a rolling basis. If you have questions, please email [email protected].


  • SML Undergraduate Certificate/Minor enrolled students only
  • Travel/event within current academic year-must be before graduation if senior
  • Must present at conference (talk or poster)-include a description of your work
  • Conference must be relevant to statistics and machine learning - include a summary of the event you plan to attend, including an explanation of the relevance
  • Submit a copy of the acceptance letter for your work being presented
  • CSML support should be acknowledged in the talk or poster at the event
  • $500 max award

Apply Here